WESTOVER AIR RESERVE BASE, Mass. -- If you were on base on March 8th, you'd hardly have noticed the three gentlemen in a pickup truck in Dogpatch. With them, they had something similar to an old-time stereo receiver and a twenty-foot pole on a tripod. But don't let looks deceive you the testing they were conducting is very important to Homeland Security.
The MITRE Corporation had two teams one at Westover and the other at Bradley International Airport in Conn. Their passive, receive-only systems monitored equipment on the F-15s from the 104th Fighter Wing, Barnes Air National Guard Base, Westfield, Mass. This system links aircraft with other aircraft, and ground and sea assets, enabling them to share tactical information in near-real time.
The Barne's F-15s flew over each of the bases while the MITRE teams monitored the link system.
This is another example of Westover's commitment to supporting full-spectrum operations in any environment.