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Expand List item 807Collapse List item 807  Air Shows

How do I obtain information regarding air shows at Westover?

The next Westover Air Show is scheduled tentatively for 2025. More information can be found at
For other air shows go to: USAF Thunderbirds, USN Blue Angels, and Canadian Snow Birds

Expand List item 808Collapse List item 808  Military and Family Readiness

What does the Military & Family Readiness do?

To speak to someone at our Military & Family Readiness please call 413-557-3025.

The Military & Family Readiness Center is the service organization and focal point for Air Force family matters. Serving all Single and married Active Duty, DoD Civilian Personnel and their Eligible Family Members, including Guard and Reserve Members while on Active Duty, other Eligible Uniformed Members, Military Retirees, and their Eligible Family members.

Expand List item 809Collapse List item 809  Arrange Overnight Camping Stay
Where can I arrange overnight camping on the base?

The base family camping (FAMCAMP) area is available for overnight camping. Call 413-557-2039 for more information, or visit
Expand List item 811Collapse List item 811  C-5 and American Flag Flyovers

How do I arrange for a flyover of a C-5?
The 439th Airlift Wing does perform occasional flyovers, but on a limited basis, due to worldwide airlift demands. You may submit your request including time, date, and location to: Fighter jet flyovers are not handled through Westover. The nearest fighter unit, equipped with F-15 Eagles, is the 104th Fighter Wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard at Barnes Air National Guard Base in Westfield, Mass. That unit may be reached at 413-568-9151, x6981263.

How do I arrange for an American flag to be flown over an area in honor of someone?
Please contact our honor guard at 557-3342.

Expand List item 812Collapse List item 812  Driving Directions

What address can I use for my GPS directions to get the Westover Main Gate?
2255 Westover Road, Chicopee, Mass. 01022

How do I get to Westover Air Reserve Base from 91 North or South?
Take Exit 12 to Route 391 and get off at Exit 3, Chicopee exit. Follow the Westover signs to the base. 

How do I get to Westover Air Reserve Base from Connecticut?
Take Route 91 North to Route 291 in Springfield to Fuller Road and take exit marked Westover ARB. Follow the Westover signs to the base.
How do I get to Westover Air Reserve Base from New York State or Western Massachusetts?
Take Mass Pike (Route 90) East to exit 5 and follow the Westover signs to the base.

How do I get to Westover Air Reserve Base from the Boston area?
Take the Mass Pike (Route 90) West to Exit 5 in Chicopee. Follow the Westover signs to the base.

How do I get to Westover Air Reserve Base from Vermont?
Take Route 91 South to Mass Pike (Route 90). Head East to exit 5 and follow the Westover signs to the base.

Expand List item 813Collapse List item 813  Freedom of Information Request

The Air Force has established a new Freedom of Information Act Website for submitting request online to our Requester Service Centers. Click the following AF eFOIA Public Access Link:

To submit a FOIA inquiry online click here. For mailing/faxing contact the FOIA Requester Service Center where the record is located, describe the records you want as specifically as possible, and let the office know how much you are willing to pay. Furnish any facts or clues about the time, place, persons, events, subjects, or other details of the information or records you want. That will help the office decide where to search and determine what records pertain to your request. It can also save you and the government time and money, and you may get what you want faster. There is no special form to complete. Mark your request and envelope "FOIA."

For fastest response times, the Air Force has decentralized its FOIA program. No single office handles all FOIA requests. If you prefer not to submit on line you can mail/fax your request to the particular base or activity that has the records you want. If you don't know which Air Force activity has the records you want, mail/fax your request to: HAF/IMII, 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1000; fax (703) 693-2746.

The Freedom of Information Act generally provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from public disclosure by one of nine exemptions, or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. 

The principles of government openness and accountability underlying the FOIA are inherent in the democratic ideal: "The basic purpose of the FOIA is to ensure an informed citizenry, vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check against corruption and to hold the governors accountable to the governed."

Members of the public, including foreign citizens, military and civilian personnel acting as private citizens, organizations and businesses, and individual members of the Congress for themselves or constituents, may request records in writing. It is important to remember that the Freedom of Information Act applies only to federal agencies. It does not create a right of access to records held by Congress, the courts, state or local government agencies, or by private businesses or individuals. Each state has its own public access laws that should by consulted for access to state and local records.

I'm a student completing a term paper that includes information I need about the Air Force and Westover. How do I go about getting this information?
Students working on projects for school about the Air Force and/or Westover's operations are welcome to call or email the 439th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office with any questions.
(413) 557-2020
For information on Air Force policies in general:

Those inquiries need to be directed to Air Force headquarters at the Pentagon. The link to the Air Force web page is:


How do I find out about driving conditions on base during severe weather?
In the event of inclement weather, the base snowline, operated by the wing command post, provides updates on weather conditions on base.
The snowline may be reached at 413-557-3444 or check our Facebook page here:

Expand List item 814Collapse List item 814  Guest Speaker Request

How do I coordinate getting a speaker from Westover?
Requests for speakers need to be sent to the 439th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office. Supply the below information by email to

Date of request for Westover speaker: 

Date/time of speech: 

What is its purpose? 


Who is the expected audience? 

Are media expected at this event? 

Uniform of the day: 

Point of contact (include name, e-mail, and cell contact info.): 

Parking instructions: 


Other remarks:

How do I request military troops and/or resources?
Please supply the information below and email to 
The PA staff will assist in forwarding the request to the appropriate location(s) on base.

Date of request for event:


What is its purpose?


Who is the expected audience?

Are media expected at this event?

Uniform of the day:

Point of contact (include name, email, and cell phone contact info).

Expand List item 815Collapse List item 815  Historian

How can I contact the base historian?

The base historian can be reached by calling 413-557-2075 or via email:

Expand List item 817Collapse List item 817  Honor Guard Request

How do I arrange for a base honor guard event? The 439th Airlift Wing Honor Guard may be reached at: 413-557-3342 or email:


Expand List item 818Collapse List item 818  Base Motorcycle and All Terrain Vehicle Safety
Expand List item 819Collapse List item 819  Installation Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

Installation Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
Refer to AFI91-207 located at

Expand List item 820Collapse List item 820  Join the Air Force Reserve - Local Recruiters

How can I join the Air Force Reserve?
Part-time jobs with full-time benefits are available. Find a career field that works for you.

Local recruiters:
Hadley, MA..... (413) 536-4394 
Westover Air Reserve Base, MA..... (413) 557-2125
Worcester, MA.....(508) 753-7616 
Hanscom AFB, MA.....(781) 225-2808    (Boston area)
Manchester, CT....(860) 645-6700 
Albany, N.Y....(518) 438-3077 
Providence, R.I....(401) 421-0364 
Manchester, NH...(603) 661-3356

Expand List item 821Collapse List item 821  Legal Assistance Locator

I need legal advice!
Please contact our Legal Office at 413-557-3513 if you need to speak to someone.
-Click here for legal worksheets and more information
-Click here for the Legal Services Locator

Expand List item 822Collapse List item 822  Lodging

Does Westover have lodging on base?
The Flyers Inn offers TDY and space-available lodging, and can be contacted via the following methods:

The Flyers Inn 
650 Airlift Drive, Bldg. 2201 
Chicopee, MA 01022 
(413) 593-5421 
DSN: 589-2700 
Fax (DSN): 589-2835 

For TDY and Space Available reservations: 
(413) 593-5421 and (413) 557-2700 
DSN: 589-2700 

For UTA Reservations: 
Automated Lodging Reservation System 
(413) 557-2850
1-800-367-1110, ext. 2850 
DSN: 589-2850 

Conference Center (DSN 589-3595) 
Westover Club
(413) 593-5531 

Airport Information: 
Bradley International Airport 
Windsor Locks, Conn. 
((30 miles from base))

AIR FORCE INNS worldwide: Air Force Inns
Westover ARB Services Web Site: 

Expand List item 823Collapse List item 823  Military and Dependant ID Cards

How to renew or obtain an ID card
Customer service (Military Personal) center is unable to accommodate walk-ins.
If you need a military ID you MUST make an appointment:

Expand List item 824Collapse List item 824  Military Memorabilia

Where can I obtain military memorabilia? 
Westover cannot provide patches, uniform items, or any other military memorabilia to the general public.

Expand List item 826Collapse List item 826  Military Retiree Office

I'm a retiree, is there an office I can call?
To contact someone in our Retiree Activity Office please call 413-557-3918.
Their office is located in building 1408, same location as the New Englan USO.

Expand List item 827Collapse List item 827  Nearby Airports

What airports are near the base?
Westover Airport
255 Padgette St #2, Chicopee, MA 01022
(413) 593-5543 
4 miles from base

Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport
110 Airport Road, Westfield, MA 01085
(413) 572-6275 
13 miles from base

Bradley International Airport 
Schoephoester Rd, Windsor Locks, CT 06096
(860) 292-2000 
28 miles from base

Logan International Airport 
122 Harborside Dr, East Boston, MA
(617) 568-2509
91 miles from base

Expand List item 828Collapse List item 828  Noise Complaints

Which office at Westover do I call about a noise complaint concerning aircraft?
Callers can reach the public affairs office at 413-557-2020, or via email,
Please include the time, aircraft description, and direction of flight.

Does Westover offer space-available travel and how do I get information about flights?
The 439th Airlift Wing passenger terminal, located at Hangar 3, south wing, is currently accepting registrations for flights both overseas and in the continental U.S.

How do I sign up for a flight?
To sign up here: Smartsheet (

Expand List item 832Collapse List item 832  World Wide Locator

I am interested in contacting a buddy I was stationed with. Where can I get help?
Contact the World Wide Locator service located at:

Air Force Worldwide Locator 
550 C Street West, Suite 50 
Randolph AFB, TX 78150 
Commercial: (210) 565-2660 
DSN: 665-2660

Expand List item 833Collapse List item 833  Yellow Ribbon Registration Program

What is the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program?
The Air Force Reserve Command's Yellow Ribbon Program is a result of a congressional directive in the 2007 Defense Appropriations Act that mandated reserve components provide additional deployment support and reintegration to Reservists and their families. 

Its purpose is to ensure support and outreach services are readily available to unit members, their families, and communities throughout a deployment cycle. Not only does the program focus on pre-deployment activities, but also reintegration activities after the end of any deployment or mobilization lasting 90 days or longer. 

Program information may be obtained by calling the Military & Family Readiness Center: 413-557-3024

Yellow Ribbon Program website: