Westover Base Directory


Military ID Cards (CAC Cards) Appointments
Military Personal Customer Service (Mil ID/Deers)
Military and Family Readiness Center
Base Phone Tree - 413-557-1110
Base Contracting - 413-557-3508
Legal Office - 413-557-3513
On-Base Lodging (Flyers Inn) - 413-557-2700
Off-Base Housing
(Atlantic Marine Corps Community)

413-331-3205 & 888-602-8119
Pioneer Valley USO/Galaxy Community Council
Retiree Information Office - 413-557-3918
Space "A" Flight Information
Westover Club - 413-593-5531

Reserve Recruiters
    Westover ARB, Mass. 413-588-1785
    Manchester, Conn. 203-520-2052
    Albany, N.Y. 518-788-5304
    Worcester, Mass. 413-588-1785
    Providence, R.I. 401-623-7271
    Hanscom AFB, Mass. 401-623-7271
    Manchester, NH. 401-623-7271


Military Entrance Processing Station - 413-377-3335
302D Maneuver Enhancement Brigade - 413-378-1502
302nd BDE - 413-378-1465
655 Regional Support Group - 413-378-1425
665th ASG - 413-378-1424
304th Trans - 413-378-1430
382nd MP BN - 413-378-1521
226th Trans - 413-378-1439
Mass. National Guard - 413-378-1709
Armed Forces Reserve Center - 413-378-1458
US Army Reserve Center - 978-501-2393
US Army Corps of Engineers - 413-593-6791
US Army Reserve Retention - 413-378-1455
Area Maintenance Support Activity 72 Ground -
Express Store/Gas Station - 413-593-3288
Civil Air Patrol - 413-330-8311
Defense Contract Mgmt. Agency - 413-593-1506
Marine Corps Site Support Element - 413-557-3743   
Marine Support Squadron 6 - 413-557-3743
Marine Wing Support Sq. 472, Det. B - 413-557-3743
USMC (Active) Recruiting - 413-378-1629
USMC (Reserve) Recruiting - 413-593-1576
Military Housing (Off Base)
Atlantic Marine Corps Community -



Airman & Family Readiness - 413-557-3024
Airshow Vendor Questions - 413-557-2899

Base Lodging (Flyers Inn) - 413-557-2700
Base Club/Dining Facility - 413-557-2039
Bowling Center - 413-557-3990

Customer Service (Military IDs) - 413-557-3874 
Chaplain - 413-557-3360
Civil Air Patrol - 413-330-8311
Civilian Pay - 413-557-2887
Clinic - 413-557-1111
Commander's Hotline - 413-557-3774
Communications Squadron Focal Point - 413-557-7999
Contracting Office - 413-557-3508
Conference Center - 413-557-3595

Drug Demand Reduction Manager - 413-557-2649

Education/Training Office - 413-557-3440
Explosive Ordnance Disposal - 413-557-3509
Express Store/Gas Station - 413-557-3869

Fire Department - 413-557-3818
Fitness Center - 413-557-3958
Finance Office - 413-557-7291

Galaxy Community Council - 413-557-3290

Honor Guard - 413-557-3342
Historian - 413-557-2075

IG Complaint Program - 413-557-3137
Inspector General - 413-557-3137
Information Protection - 413-557-2310

Legal Office - 413-557-3513
Lodging (Flyers Inn) - 413-557-2700

Maintenance Group - 413-557-3816
Mental Health - 413-557-2456
Military Housing - 413-331-3205
Military ID/DEERS - 413-557-3874
Military Clothing Store - 413-593-5941
Mission Support Group - 413-557-3044

Operations Group - 413-557-2204 
Outdoor Recreation/Four Season (MWR) - 413-557-2192

Pass & ID/Visitor's Center/Vehicle Pass- 413-557-2012
Passenger Terminal - 413-557-3453
Pioneer Valley USO - 413-557-3290 
Protocol - 413-557-3478
Public Affairs/Media Relations - 413-557-2020

Recruiting - 413-557-2125 
Retiree Activity Office - 413-557-3918

Security Forces/Law Enforcement Desk - 413-557-3557
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator - 413-557-7272
Snowline (inclement weather) - 413-557-3444
Space "A" Travel

Transportation - 413-557-3855
Tricare - 1-877-874-2273