Civil Air Patrol honors Mt. Tom crash site

  • Published
  • By W.C.Pope
  • 439th Airlift Wing

On Saturday, July 20, the Westover Composite Squadron honored the 73rd Anniversary ceremony for 25 fallen service members who perished when their B-17 crashed into Mt. Tom. The plane and her passengers crashed July 9, 1946 while returning home to Westover Field from a Europe tour of duty after World War Two.
The Squadron Color Guard presented our nation's colors for the crowd of onlookers. Other unit personnel helped usher crowds, transported equipment to the memorial site, and provided public affair’s photography support.
“Our Squadron was honored to represent our nation & Westover Air Reserve Base in support of the remembrance ceremony for these fallen heroes,” said Maj. Stephen Edelman, deputy commander Westover Composite Squadron USAF Auxiliary.
For more information regarding the memorial site please visit: