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Westover deploys program to curb drunk driving


The Airmen Against Drunk Driving program here at Westover in operation during the UTA weekends.
“We started AADD a few months ago and it has been a success helping many airman from potentially getting hurt during a UTA weekend,” said Staff Sgt. Ashley Michie, AADD coordinator, 439th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.
The program gives enlisted airman a ride back to Billeting or their hotel if they’ve had too much to drink on Friday or Saturday of the UTA.
Staff Sgt. Michie said, “It’s very easy, all they need to do is open the Westover app on their phone and click the AADD button at the bottom of the screen and it will take you to our help desk phone number, which is 413-319-0227.”
One of the two crew volunteer drivers will pick you up. Everything is confidential, no questions asked.
“We also are looking for Airman designated drivers to become part of our AADD program,” said Michie. If interested in helping out and become a better Wing Man contact myself or Tech. Sgt. Jackie Hammond.”