One-stop legal shop Published Nov. 4, 2012 By Maj. Holly Becker 439 Airlift Wing Judge Advocate WESTOVER AIR RESERVE BASE, Mass. -- Do you have basic questions concerning legal matters, but do not know where to start? Check out the new Air Force Legal Assistance website at: The site has basic information on a wide variety of legal issues such as deployment readiness, Wills, Powers of Attorney, Landlord-Tenant Issues, and Divorce. Also, if you need a Will or a Power-of-Attorney prepared, worksheets are available at the website. Simply click on the Legal Worksheets button. After entering your information, you'll be given a ticket number. Retain the ticket number and call the legal office with that number and set up an appointment. We'll then download your information and prepare the document for you so when you arrive for your appointment the document will be ready. For more information, please contact the Legal Office at (413) 557-3180.