WESTOVER AIR RESERVE BASE,Mass. -- Two senior Air Force Reserve Command leaders visited with the Patriot Wing for two days, first arriving in a C-5M Super Galaxy, and completing their visit with tours through the base's landmark arched hangars.
Maj. Gen. Randall Ogden, 4th Air Force commander, and 4th AF Command Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White flew in on the eighth and final C-5M to be delivered to the Patriot Wing Sept. 20. Ogden was at the controls of the airlifter during its flight to Westover, and took part in a flightline arrival ceremony. Following that, the general and chief visited the Dogpatch training area to be briefed on a major readiness exercise that took place throughout the week.
The next day, the two visited most of the hangars along the flightline, meeting Reserve Citizen Airmen in aerial port squadrons, the contingency response flight. transportation, maintenance, and civil engineering.
The general and chief also spent lunch with some of the wing staff and senior leadership, before wrapping up their visit with a briefing from Col. David Post, 439th Maintenance Group commander.
To view coverage of the C-5M arrival ceremony and this visit, please log onto the Westover Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Westover.Patriot