Chief Master Sergeant Barbara J. Gilmore is the Command Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Reserve Command’s 439th Airlift Wing, Westover Air Reserve Base, Massachusetts. The wing reports to 4th Air Force at March Air Reserve Base, California, and supports Air Mobility Command’s worldwide airlift mission with the C-5M Super Galaxy aircraft. In this capacity, she advises the Wing Commander on all matters relative to factors influencing mission readiness, training, professional development, morale, welfare, personnel utilization and leadership of the enlisted force within the wing, which is comprised of 2,000 traditional reservists, air reserve technicians, active guard reserve, and civilian personnel. Chief Gilmore ensures compliance of personnel with Air Force policy to ensure mission effectiveness and serves as the functional manager to the Wing’s First Sergeants. Additionally, she serves as the Commander’s representative on councils, boards, and selective events in the military and civic communities.
Chief Gilmore entered active-duty Air Force in July 1992. She graduated from the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Course in November 1992 at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. In 1997 she became a member of the Security Forces when the career fields merged. In January 2000, Chief Gilmore was one of the first women to graduate from the Phoenix Raven School. After this training she went on numerous missions that spanned the globe. Chief Gilmore left the active-duty Air Force in 2004 and became a Security Forces Individual Mobilization Augmentee at RAF Lakenheath. In January 2009, she transferred to the Air Force Reserve, where she cross-trained into the Aerospace Medical Service as a medical technician and was assigned to the 932d Airlift Wing. She has filled different roles including 4N Functional Manager and additional-duty First Sergeant. Prior to her current position, she was the Command Chief Master Sergeant of the 403d Wing, Keelser AFB, Miss.
1996 Airman Leadership School, Charleston Air Force Base, S.C.
2000 Phoenix Raven Course, Fort-Dix, N.J.
2000 Air Base Ground Defense, Level II, Camp Bullis, Texas
2002 Instructional Systems Designer, Randolph AFB, Texas
2010 Associate Degree, Allied Health Science, Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala.
2011 Associate Degree, Criminal Justice, Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala.
2011 Noncommissioned Officer Academy Course, by correspondence
2013 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy Correspondence Course
2015 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course, National Defense University, by correspondence
2015 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Course, Air Force Reserve Command, Scott AFB, Ill.
2015 Senior 4N0 Functional Manager Leadership Course, Air Force Reserve Command, Robins AFB, Ga.
2016 Mid-Level Managers Course, Air Force Reserve Command, Robins AFB, Ga.
2016 Chief Orientation Course, Robins AFB, Ga.
2017 Leadership Through Understanding Human Behavior, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Ga
2018 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education II, by correspondence
2018 Chief Leadership Course, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, Ala.
2018 Senior Enlisted Legal Orientation Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2019 Enterprise Leadership Seminar, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina
2019 Continuous Process Improvement for Senior Leaders, Scott AFB, Ill.
2020 Enterprise Perspective Seminar, Alan Freed Associates, Inc., Va.
2021 Global/Regional Seminar: China, East Asia, Oceania, and INDO-PACOM, Alan Freed Associates, Inc., Wash D.C.
1. November 1992 – December 1994, Combat Arms Instructor, 410th Security Police Squadron, K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base, Mich.
2. January 1995 – April 1995, Combat Arms Instructor, 343rd Training Squadron, Lackland AFB, Texas
3. May 1995 – June 1996, Range Scheduler, 343rd Training Squadron, Lackland AFB, Texas
4. July 1996 – December 1999, Combat Arms Instructor, 437th Security Forces Squadron, Charleston AFB, S.C.
5. January 2000 – October 2001, Phoenix Raven Scheduler, 437th Security Forces Squadron, Charleston AFB, S.C.
6. November 2001 – April 2002, Security Forces Leader, 48th Security Forces Squadron, RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
7. May 2002 – November 2004, Security Forces Trainer, 48th Security Forces Squadron, RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
8. December 2004 – November 2006, Combat Arms Instructor, 48th Security Forces Squadron, RAF Feltwell, United Kingdom
9. January 2009 – September 2014, Medical Service Craftsman, 932d Medical Squadron, Scott AFB, Ill.
10. October 2014 – December 2016, 4N Functional Manager, 932d Medical Squadron, Scott AFB, Ill.
11. January 2017 – June 2018 Chief Enlisted Advisor, 932d Medical Squadron, Scott AFB, Ill.
12. June 2018 – June 2021, Command Chief, 932d Airlift Wing, Scott AFB, Ill.
13. June 2021 – May 2023, Command Chief, 403d Wing, Keesler AFB, Miss.
14. May 2023 – Present, Command Chief, 439th Airlift Wing, Westover ARB, Mass.
Legion of Merit
Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Excellence in Competition
2000 437th Mission Support Group NCO of the Year
2005 PEP promotion to Technical Sergeant
2009 Top Graduate Award for Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice Course
Airman Basic July 24, 1992
Airman January 24, 1993
Airman First Class November 24, 1993
Senior Airman July 24, 1995
Staff Sergeant January 1, 2000
Technical Sergeant April 1, 2006
Master Sergeant June 1, 2011
Senior Master Sergeant, October 1, 2013
Chief Master Sergeant, January 1, 2017
(Current as of May 2023)